5/2/2024 0 Comments What Genetic Analysis tells you about your genes and how it can help solve health issues & help with weight loss!Using your raw DNA, Genetic Analysis shows you which genes are turned on or off into their adverse position. It will give you complete details on:
At the end of the genetic analysis report if gives you a list of all the genes tested and if you have a normal allele or variant allele, or one of each (heterozygous). It provides lists of symptoms for the variant allele or heterozygous. . The best part about the Genetic Analysis Report: It tells you what you need to do, eat, take in order to switch these genes back on or off into their correct position. That's Epigenetics! TO VIEW A SAMPLE GENETIC REPORT click the link & scroll to the bottom of the page. https://www.renewedhealthandnutrition.com/genetic-analysis.html
________________________________ For more information on Health & Nutrition Programs or to book an appointment, email me at [email protected] or go to FORMS at the top to book an Initial Assessment.
WEIGHT LOSS PROGRAMS Genetic Analysis Weight Loss Program - using Genetic Analysis for Metabolism, Hormones (Estrogen & Testosterone), Thyroid & Methylation/Liver Pathways. Your genes also show you how much protein, fat and carbohydrates your body actually needs, or if you turn your food into fat easily. It also lets you know if your FTO gene, which is the Obesity & Cancer Gene has the risk allele (A) and if so what you can do about it. Click the link to view a Genetic Analysis Report Sample https://www.renewedhealthandnutrition.com/genetic-analysis.html Renewed Metabolic Balance Weight Loss Program - Nutritional Counselling & customized health & nutrition plan. Metabolic Balance Weight Loss Program - Customized meal plan derived from lab work that is sent to Germany. **ALL PROGRAMS WILL USE METABOLIC BALANCE TECHNIQUES - Timing of meals, portion size, and other basic rules for a healthy lifestyle way of eating. THROUGH METABOLIC BALANCING, you can improve your overall health: sleep, energy, balance hormones & most importantly prevent Metabolic Syndromes such as heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity, arthritis/inflammation, cancer & autoimmune disorders. _____________________________________________________ Renewed Health & Nutrition Testing Services: Symptomatology Analysis- Candida, vitamin deficiencies, adrenals Genetic Analysis Blood Type Testing Testosterone Testing (Saliva) Cortisol Testing (Saliva) Heavy Metal Testing (Hair Mineral Analysis) Food Intolerance Testing For more information on our Weight Loss Programs or to book an appointment, either email us at [email protected] or go to the FORMS tab and submit a request. 3/13/2024 0 Comments SUFFERING WITH ALLERGIES? Foods to include, avoid & 2 supplements that are used for natural allergy treatments!What makes spring so beautiful for many people leads to misery for those who suffer from seasonal allergy symptoms. Natural Allergy Treatments can be as effective and, in many cases, more effective than allergy medications, and they do not cause fatigue or with long term use, Alzheimer's.
Fresh cut grass, blooming trees and flowers, and weeds release pollen, causing seasonal allergies. As well, there are allergens and high levels of histamines in foods that get triggered with any mast cell issues that stem from immune system disorders. UNDERLYING CAUSES OF ALLERGIES Did you know that your risk of suffering from seasonal allergy symptoms increases dramatically if you have certain underlying medical conditions? Asthma, unmanaged STRESS, deviated septum, nasal polyps, recent trauma or illness, pregnancy, and even food allergies can put you at heightened risk. These conditions, and others, can adversely affect your immune system functioning. Allergy symptoms are caused when our bodies release histamine in response to an allergen. A strong immune system is key to fighting seasonal allergies. Allergies are actually disorders of the immune system. The body over-reacts to harmless substances and produces antibodies to attack the substance. This is what causes the symptoms. You’re particularly susceptible to a weakened immune system after a physical trauma or surgery, underlying illnesses, or during times of emotional and physical stress. A lack of sleep can even make you more prone to allergies; not getting enough sleep weakens your immune system. Foods to increase:
AllerEase 120 capsules ALLERGIES "My Practitioner Discount" - 120 caps - $32.19 gst included ✔ Strengthen mast cell walls ✔ Decrease cellular histamine load ✔ Reduce hypersensitive reaction This potent and natural formula provides relief for hay fever or seasonal allergic rhinitis, and is a safe alternative to over the-counter anti-histamines. It reduces inflammation and increases energy in your cells. A very good liver detoxer. Medicinal Ingredients: Each vegetarian capsule contains: • Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM) 650 mg • Grape seed (Vitis vinifera L.) extract* 100 mg *Standardized to contain 12% catechins. Suitable for vegetarians. Recommended Dosage: Take two capsules two times a day with food or without. Quercetin Bromelain Complex "My Practitioner discount" 100 caps - $37.21 gst included Natural antioxidant, bioflavonoid & BEST anti-histamine
To book a Health & Nutrition consultation, go to FORMS and submit a request! Implementing some simple practices throughout the holidays can keep you healthy and feeling well. #1 Get enough sleep. This is MOST IMPORTANT ! If you can get 8 hours sleep in and get to bed between 10 and 11:00 pm, you will allow your adrenals to regenerate and hormones to balance. This will help you to avoid over eating. Your leptin hormone will kick in to say when you've had enough, and shuts the ghrelin hormone off, so you don't continue to feel hungry and overeat. #2 Drink plenty of water. Drink 8-10 cups of water/day. If you drink a full cup of water 15 mins before a meal, it will make you feel full quicker and also helps you produce more HCI (Hydrochloric Acid) so you digest your food better, and feel satiated. Good for bowel health too, which quite often suffers throughout the holidays. Drinking enough water will also help detox your body, and helps get nutrients to the cells. #3 Start your meal, snack, or treat with a protein first. This will help prevent insulin from spiking and then dropping, leaving you feeling tired and hungry again. A few almonds or one or two bites of any protein is all it takes to keep your insulin balanced, and prevents over-eating. #4 Don't skip meals. This will only set you up to BINGE EAT! Eat 3 well balanced meals spaced out 5-6 hours. Make sure to get enough protein, healthy fats (nuts, seeds, cold-pressed organic flax and olive oils, avocados) and try veggie carbs (squash, sweet potato, rutabaga, parsnips) instead of grains, to avoid bloating. Eat your fruit at the end. Protein turns the hunger signal off, and fats keep you full longer. Vegetables and fruits are full of fiber, so they make you feel full, and are great for blood sugar control because of their high fiber content. #5 Limit Sugar. It's ADDICTING...and will make you want more and more. As well, it takes 1 tsp of processed sugar to lower your immune system for 8 hours, and leaves you feeling tired and susceptible to catching viruses. #6 Bake your own treats instead of buying them & use healthier ingredient options. Bake with monk fruit/erythritol sweeteners instead of sugar, and almond flour/butter recipes or gluten free flours instead of wheat. SOME HEALTHY TREAT IDEAS - 70% or higher plain dark chocolate instead of processed chocolates* Camino chocolate doesn't have lead and cadmium, like many other brands have. Try Cassava grain free chips, and create beautiful fruit and veggie plates, like in the above photo. #7 Manage Stress. Avoid planning too many get-togethers. Take time to rest and enjoy doing things you don't normally have time to do. This helps adrenals heal and promotes healthy cortisol levels, which control your hunger, and inflammation. #8 Get moving!!! Do what you love. Walk, snowshoe, ski, skate, short exercise videos, dance to carols:) This helps to rev the metabolism and balance hormones. #9 Get daylight! Try to get outside earlier in the day to help increase serotonin levels. This gives energy and is the happy hormone. It converts to melatonin to help you get into deep restful healing sleep. 10# BE GRATEFUL. Thank God for what you have. We all have lots to be thankful for and a grateful heart sets your mind and heart on all God has done for you. A BONUS TIP.. TAKE DIGESTIVE ENZYMES & A GOOD PROBIOTIC. This will help to digest those heavier meals, and prevent bloating and discomfort. The probiotic also helps with digestion, but also keeps the good gut flora in check, which helps keep your immune system strong. DID YOU KNOW...when you overeat your insulin spikes, estrogen rises then plummets, causing hot flashes, insomnia, inflammation and weight gain too! Make sure to get enough protein to turn off the hunger signal off, and eat a smaller amount of carbohydrate. Check out my HEALTHY CHRISTMAS RECIPES for cakes, cupcakes,
ring cakes, loaves and gingerbread cakes on my Recipe page. 11/22/2023 0 Comments Interested in Genetic Analysis? You'll need GENETIC TESTING first with 23andMe to get your raw DNA! It's the best offer of the season! Best offer of the season - Ends Nov. 26 55% Off Reg $299 Now $129 Health & Ancestry Kit WHAT DOES GENETIC "ANALYSIS" TELL YOU? (genetic testing is needed for your raw DNA) It tells you what genes are turned on or off. It will give you complete details on:
At the end of the genetic analysis report if gives you a list of all the genes tested and if you have a normal allele or variant allele, or both! The best part about the Genetic Analysis Report: It tells you what you need to do, eat, take in order to switch these genes back on or off into their correct position. That's Epigenetics! **REMEMBER...You need to have genetic testing first with 23andMe to get access to your raw DNA in order to have a Genetic Analysis Report done.
EMAIL ME IF YOU ARE INTERESTED & I'll SEND YOU THE 23andMe SALE EMAIL. SALE ENDS NOV 26th! [email protected] TO VIEW A SAMPLE OF A GENETIC REPORT go to the GENETIC ANALYSIS tab at the top. 11/14/2023 1 Comment Renewed Health & Nutrition Services has programs to help clients feel well again and find hope in their health journey.Programs & Services:
Metabolic Balance Weight Loss Digestion & Gut Health Cancer Care & Immune Support Hormone Health Arthritis/Inflammation Support Autoimmune Care Sleep Support (Clock gene disorders, Insomnia) Cardiac Health & Nutrition Diabetes/Insulin Balancing & Nutrition Genetic Analysis (For prevention of disease, weight loss, hormone balancing, clock gene disorders and to help you to find answers to your health issues) Renewed Health & Nutrition Testing Services: Symptomatology Analysis Genetic Analysis Blood Type Testing Hair Mineral Analysis (Heavy Metal Testing) Cortisol & Testosterone Testing Food Intolerance Testing (220 foods) For more information on programs and services, email [email protected] or go to FORMS and submit a request for an Initial Assessment. 10/11/2023 0 Comments NEW TESTING SERVICES OFFERED - Food Intolerances, Testosterone (soon all hormones) Cortisol, Heavy Metals, DHA Levels in Pregnancies.RENEWED HEALTH & NUTRITION SERVICES NOW OFFERS: Food Intolerance Testing (220 different foods), Cortisol Testing, Testosterone Testing, Hair Mineral Analysis (Heavy Metal Testing), DHA Level Testing for Pregnancies & in January 2024, full Hormone Testing. Renewed Health & Nutrition Services specializes in: Genetic Analysis Cancer Care Metabolic & Genetic Weight Loss Digestive Disorders/Allergies Inflammatory Conditions Thyroid Disease/Chronic Fatigue Hormonal Imbalances/Insomnia Autoimmune Conditions/Immune System Disorders Heart Disease Diabetes Testing & Programs: Symptomatology Analysis Genetic Analysis Blood Type Testing Hormone Testing (Testosterone - Estrogen, Progesterone, DHEA in January) Hair Cortisol Testing Food Intolerance Testing Hair Mineral Analysis (Heavy Metal Testing) Cancer Care Program Metabolic Balance Weight Loss Program Genetic Metabolic Weight Loss Program Health & Nutrition Programs Go to FORMS to book an appointment! Registered Orthomolecular Health Practitioner (Study of Functional Medicine and Holistic Nutrition Practitioner)
Holistic Cancer Practitioner Certified Metabolic Balance Coach Genetic Analysist 9/6/2023 0 Comments IMMUNE BOOSTING Foods & Supplements..products to keep on hand during flu season!FOODS THAT BOOST YOUR IMMUNE SYSTEM Fruits (organic) - blueberries, raspberries, blackberries, elderberries, pomegranates, apples (green have lowest sugar), papaya, citrus fruits. These are all high in antioxidants which help to protect your immune system. Vegetables (organic) - cruciferous veggies like broccoli, cauliflower, asparagus, kale, bok choy, brussel sprouts and other veggies like, garlic cloves, ginger root, onions, leafy greens, and radishes. Make sure to get in a good variety of vegetables high in beta carotene, such as butternut and spaghetti squash, sweet potato, carrots, parsnips, rutabaga and turnip. These are all full of nutrients that protect your immune system. Fungi (organic)- Shitake and Mitake mushrooms are best mushrooms for increasing your immune system, however oyster, and button mushrooms among other varieties also have good immune boosting nutrients. Nuts & Seeds (organic & raw) - brazil nuts, almonds (blanched), walnuts, pumpkin seeds, pecans, hazelnuts, flaxseeds & hemp seeds. These are all full of zinc and selenium. Fish (Wild Caught) - salmon, cod, mackerel are the top fish for immune health Herbs & Spices (fresh organic) - turmeric (add black pepper to activate the curcumin), Coriander, cumin, basil, parsley, garlic and ginger. Dark Chocolate - 70% cocoa and higher is best and always organic! Keep PROCESSED SUGARS out of your diet - just ONE teaspoon of sugar can drop your immune system for up to 8 HOURS. SUPPLEMENTS THAT SUPPORT IMMUNE HEALTH & TO KEEP ON HAND Probiotics - Up to 80% of your immune system resides in your gut, called the Peyer's Patches. The best probiotic on the market is HMF Intensive (now in shelf stable) from Seroyal/Genestra. Purest and is the only one that actually makes it all the way down the digestive tract. Vitamin D3 - Helps to increase your immune system. I like D-Mulsion 2500 IU drops from Seroyal, or Vit D3 K2 drops or caps from CanPrev. Good value for the amount and also top quality. Absorbs well! Vitamin C - powerful antioxidant to help with immune health! You need one with bioflavonoids to help with absorption but also to prevent gastric irritation. BIO-C Liposomal from BIOMED and C+Biofizz (powder) from Designs For Health, both have bioflavonoids and are in my opinion the best sources for how well they absorb. Quercetin (with Bromelain) - it's great for histamine issues/allergies and is a powerful antioxidant which helps build your immune system. Quercetin does not absorb easily, so you will want to take one with Bromelain. Quercetin Bromelain Complex from Douglas Laboratories is one that absorbs well. Zinc - helps prevent colds and flues, but also great for sore throats and STRESS...of any kind! ...also great for acne!! I like BIOMED'S Zinc Picolinate with Copper (best source of zinc), AOR's zinc lozenges, and Genestra's Zinc Picolinate. NAC (N-Acetyl Cystein) - It is a precursor to glutathione, and glutathione is a master antioxidant that we naturally have in our cells when we are young and as we age it declines. NAC helps to raise glutathione levels and restore immune health. I recommend NAC from Pure Encapsulations for quality and strength. Omegas - Helps with immune health and also cell, heart and hormone health. The top ones are Omega 800 and Super EFA Forte caps or Super EFA Forte liquid from Genestra, or SPM Active from Metagenics. Pure Genomics Multi (Pure Encapsulations) - An optimum dose multi with B complex(for RBC health, iron levels, energy and STRESS) is added, high dose zinc and selenium. I still take extra zinc in flu season or times of stress. It also has high amounts of vitamin A and beta carotene to build the immune system, prevent flues, colds, cancer etc. This formula helps correct genetic abnormalities and is economical. The best thing is YOU ONLY NEED 1/DAY. Olive Leaf Extract - This is one of my favorite products. It helps to boost your immune system and quite often, if taken right away as symptoms present, it will help to prevent you from getting sick, or at least ease your symptoms. I LOVE IT! SUPPLEMENTS THAT SUPPORT SPECIFIC SYMPTOMS For coughs - Broncha drops (BIOMED) - AMAZING...works fast! Homeopathic pellets - Pulsatilla, and Hepar Sulph and Byronia Alb for pneumonia cough. For cold & flu - Bio Boost drops or Fluen-Z (BIOMED) - helps with all of the symptoms. Homeopathic pellets - Oscillococcinum. Great for cold and flu relief too! Bacterial Infection - Immunoplex (BIOMED) For sore throats - Zinc Lozenges from AOR, Homeopathic pellets Belladonna, Ferum Phos (Boiron). Colliodal Silver - Either Sovereign Silver (Amaranth - very expensive, or Collidal Silver from CanPrev. Nausea - Ginger root capsules or Nux Vomica 30CH pellets (Boiron) I order supplement for friends, family and clients the last week of every month. Let me know if you need anything. I'm happy to share my practitioner discount with you and your family. ***OLIVE LEAF EXTRACT...boosts the immune system and helps relieve the above symptoms. ONE LAST THING...You'll want to make sure to get enough sleep and avoid staying up too late. This is one of the most important things you can do to keep your immune system strong. For more information or to book a consultation, go to FORMS to submit a request! 6/20/2023 0 Comments OPTIMIZING BONE HEALTH: Foods to Include and Avoid, Exercises That Support, & a Plant-Based Calcium Supplement that has 97% Absorption...and won't leave you constipated!Neglecting our bone health can have dire consequences that become apparent when it's already too late. Fractured bones, chronic pain, and a noticeable reduction in height are just a few of the alarming outcomes. That's why it is crucial to prioritize our bone health from an early stage. By implementing preventive measures, such as consuming bone-nourishing foods, making smart choices to avoid bone loss, such as exercising and incorporating effective calcium supplements with the right formulas, we can proactively safeguard ourselves against fractures and pain while potentially reversing bone loss. Taking action now is imperative. What are the causes of bone loss & osteoporosis?
What are the therapies I recommend to my patients, family and friends?
Looking for a calcium product that absorbs well and doesn't cause constipation? Bone Sure is plant-based calcium with 97% absorption and does not constipate! Bone Sure is Plant-Based! This is important! It is a combination of bone building vitamins and minerals targeted for reversing bone loss, with clinically proven results to increase bone mineral density and reduce the risk of developing osteoporosis. It increases collagen formation, to help maintain bones, cartilage, teeth and skin. Bone Sure from BIOMED contains organic calcium and magnesium from calcareous marine algae (Lithothamnion sp.). It is a plant-based, nutrient rich complete mineral complex with naturally occurring calcium, magnesium, boron, silica and 70 other trace minerals and phytonutrients. Being plant-based, the minerals are highly soluble with 97% bioavailability, translating to great mineral absorption and better bone building. Bone Support, Bone Density, Osteoporosis Bone building formula ✔ Increase bone mineral density ✔ Reduce risk of osteoporosis ✔ Plant-based calcium with 97% absorption Full Spectrum Bone Building Formula Clinically proven for:
To order Bone Sure with my "practitioner discount"
email me at [email protected] or text at 587-436-2922 To book a Health & Nutrition consultation, click on the link below, go to FORMS and submit a request! 5/9/2023 0 Comments Most probiotics never make it all the way down our 9 meter long acidic digestive tract. That's 30 feet!!GENESTRA'S HMF Probiotic bacteria strains have natural pH & bile acid resistance with high survival rates through stomach pH (1.8- 4.2) That is why most health practitioners recommend them to their patients! What are Probiotics? There are billions of bacteria living in the intestinal tract, often referred to as “microflora.” Probiotics are live, “friendly” bacteria in the microflora that work to keep a healthy intestinal balance, reducing the amount of harmful bacteria while replenishing and maintaining beneficial strains. Maintaining this balance is critical for overall good health. Up to 80% of your immune system is in your gut! If your gut isn't healthy, your body won't be healthy! 25 Billion - Adults NEW Shelf Stable - Over 25 Billion NEW Shelf Stable - 50 Billion Time Release Formula 500 Billion - Use with antibiotic therapy KIDS CHEWABLE Tablets - 12.5 Billion CHEWABLE tablets - 12.5 Billion (Covers all stains) NOW comes in Shelf Stable & Powder 22 Billion - Mix powder in food or a drink! NEW Shelf Stable - Supports Gastrointestinal Health ..Relief in 6 weeks! NEW Shelf Stable - Probiotics to support gastrointestinal health when travelling • Provides 35 billion CFU per daily dose • Helps to reduce the risk of occasional diarrhea • Includes Saccharomyces Boulardii plus four proprietary strains HMF® Travel combines five probiotic strains from Lactobacillus, Bifidobacterium and Saccharomyces genera to promote a favorable gut flora. This formula also helps to reduce the risk of both traveller and antibiotic-associated diarrhea. Our shelf-stable formula is offered in a convenient capsule format that can easily be taken anywhere to support gastrointestinal health. Probiotic formula with bacopa and carotenoids for brain and memory support...& eye health! • Provides a combination of clinically researched probiotics, Bacognize™ Bacopa extract, lutein and zeaxanthin • Formulated to support cognitive health, memory and brain function • Helps maintain eyesight in conditions such as cataracts and age-related macular degeneration • Helps improve macular pigment optical density TO ORDER HMF Probiotics with my "practitioner discount" email me at [email protected]
To book a Health & Nutrition consultation, go to FORMS and submit a request! |
on presented on this website is not intended as medical advice and should not replace the advice of a licensed physician or other qualified health care professional. No part of this website is intended for the diagnosis, treatment, or cure of any disease. We ask that you make all personal medical decisions based on quality research and in partnership with a qualified medical professional. The entire content of this website is based on the opinions of the owners, unless otherwise noted. |
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