8/12/2022 1 Comment Do You Eat Right 4 Your Blood Type? Renewed Health & Nutrition Services NOW OFFERS BLOOD TYPE TESTING![]() Have you ever thought of eating for your blood type? It may not have crossed your mind before, but since different blood types can more easily digest certain types of food, the blood type diet can help improve digestion, maintain your ideal body weight, increase energy levels, decrease your risk of disease and even tell you about your personality. What Is the Blood Type Diet? The idea behind the blood type diet is that there are certain foods you should eat that suit your blood type, making you healthier and helping you lose weight. The diet is designed to help people digest food more efficiently and avoid chemical reactions that lead to hormone disruptions. The blood type diet was created by a naturopathic physician named Dr. Peter J. D’Adamo. Blood causes a chemical reaction when mixed with a protein called lectin, found in certain foods. There are four types of blood types, determined by your genetics: O, A, B and AB. The blood type diet is a way of eating that categorizes food as either beneficial, neutral or harmful based on a person’s blood type and other factors. There’s a completely different diet for each blood type based on what each type can easily digest. Dr. D’Adamo claims foods harmful to your blood type can cause an agglutination reaction, which makes blood cells stick together, increasing the risk of disease. RENEWED HEALTH & NUTRITION SERVICES OFFERS BLOOD TYPE TESTING which is useful for diet protocols and benefits health and weight loss programs. For more information or to book a consultation, go to FORMS to submit a request! Unsubscribe
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